Monday 7 September 2015

Cyclic sum

A cyclic sum is a summation that cycles through all the values of a function and takes their sum.

Rigorous definition
Consider a function $f(a_1,a_2,a_3,\cdots,a_n)$. The cyclic sum $\sum\limits_{\text{cyc}}f(a_1,a_2,a_3,\cdots,a_n)$ is equal to $$f(a_1,a_2,a_3,\cdots,a_n)+f(a_2,a_3,a_4,\cdots,a_n,a_1)+\cdots+f(a_n,a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_{n-2},a_{n-1}).$$ The notation $\sum\limits_{\text{cyc}}$ implies that all variables are cycled through. Another notation is $\sum\limits_{a,b,c}$, which implies that the cyclic sum only cycle through those variables underneath the sigma. [Note: Do not confuse this notation with the symmetric sum.]

Consider the permutation $p=(a\;b\;c)$. The cyclic sum $\sum\limits_p a$ is the sum that cycles through the permutation: $$\sum_p a=a+b+c.$$
They often come up in inequalities: $$\sum_{a,b,c}\frac{a^3}{3}=\frac{a^3}{3}+\frac{b^3}{3}+\frac{c^3}{3}\geq \sqrt[3]{\frac{(abc)^3}{3^3}}=\frac{abc}{3}.$$
They are extremely helpful in inequalities involving many letters. Instead of writing all the terms of the sum explicitly, we can employ this notation. Check out this answer.

Cyclic numbers
$142857$, the six repeating digits of $\frac{1}{7}$, $0.\overline{142857}$, is the best-known cyclic number in base $10$.
$$1\times 142,857=142,857\\ 2\times 142,857=285,714\\ 3\times 142,857=428,571\\ 4\times 142,857=571,428\\ 5\times 142,857=714,285\\ 6\times 142,857=857,142\\ 7\times 142,857=999,999$$
When multiplied by $2, 3, 4, 5$, or $6$, the answer will be a cyclic permutation of itself, and will correspond to the repeating digits of $\dfrac{2}{7},\dfrac{3}{7},\dfrac{4}{7},\dfrac{5}{7},\dfrac{6}{7}$, respectively.
$$1\div 7=0.\overline{142,857}\\ 2\div 7=0.\overline{285,714}\\ 3\div 7=0.\overline{428,571}\\ 4\div 7=0.\overline{571,428}\\ 5\div 7=0.\overline{714,285}\\ 6\div 7=0.\overline{857,142}\\ 7\div 7=0.\overline{999,999}=1\\ 8\div 7=1.\overline{142,857}\\ 9\div 7=1.\overline{285,714}$$
One last interesting thing about this fraction: $$\begin{align}\frac{1}{7}&=0.142857142857...\\&=0.14+0.0028+0.000056+0.00000112+0.0000000224+0.000000000448+\cdots\\&=\frac{14}{100}+\frac{28}{100^2}+\frac{56}{100^3}+\frac{112}{100^4}+\frac{224}{100^5}+\cdots+\frac{7\cdot 2^n}{100^n}+\cdots\\&=\frac{7}{50}+\frac{7}{50^2}+\frac{7}{50^3}+\frac{7}{50^4}+\frac{7}{50^5}+\cdots+\frac{7}{50^n}+\cdots\\&=\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{7}{50^k}.\end{align}$$Each term is double the prior term shifted two places to the right.

Definition of cyclic sum

More to explore
The Alluring Lore of Cyclic Numbers by Michael W. Ecker

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